What is Fluid weight gain?

  • One job of healthy kidneys is to remove extra fluid. When the kidneys no longer work properly, extra fluid remains in the body between dialysis treatments. Dialysis removes excess fluid, but may not be able to remove all of it.
  • Fluid-weight gain is weight gain from fluids consumed between treatments.
  • Remember: Two (2) cups of fluid will equal one (1) pound of weight gain. Try to limit fluid intake so that you will not gain more than two (2) pounds (1 kg) per day between treatments.
  • Your fluid intake should be balanced with the fluid you excrete in your urine. If you eat or drink more than you excrete, you will gain “fluid weight.”

Signs, Symptoms, and Consequences Fluid-Weight Gain

  • High blood pressure, shortness of breath, and swelling (edema) between treatments
  • Cramps, dizziness, and headaches during treatments
  • Feeling tired and washed out after treatments
  • Excess fluid stretches and weaken the heart and vessels, which can lead to heart failure.
  • Fluid overload can impact the effectiveness of dialysis treatments.

What is a Fluid?

Fluid is anything that is liquid at room temperature or dissolves/melts into a liquid in the mouth.

Foods and Drinks that May Cause Fluid Trouble

  • Water
  • Milk
  • Cream
  • Soup
  • Coffee
  • Tea (hot or iced)
  • Lemonade
  • Kool-Aid
  • Soft Drinks
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Juice Drinks
  • Milkshakes
  • Broth/Soup

Hidden Fluids:

  • Ice (chips, cubes, etc.)
  • Popsicles
  • Gelatin
  • Ice cream
  • Sorbet/Sherbet

Tips and Tricks for Controlling Fluid Intake

  • Stay busy! Keeping active and busy will distract you from thinking about being thirsty, helping you not drink so much.
  • Try frozen treats from the grocery store. Check to make sure they do not have phosphorus additives.
  • Stay away from salty foods!(soups, take-out/fast foods, chips, canned or frozen entrees, etc.)
  • Rinse and drain fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
  • Set a time to stop drinking for the day. When that time rolls around, stop drinking your fluids and switch to an alternative- like sucking on candies, chewing gum, sucking on sour fruits, or eating frozen fruits.
  • Be mindful of fluid and sodium intake over the weekends.
  • Do not skip or shorten treatments as this can cause fluid overload.
  • Use 4oz cups or glasses for your liquids.
  • Measure and track fluids each time you eat or drink.
  • Refresh your mouth: brush your teeth, rinse with cold water and spit, swish moutwash, and/or use lip balm.
  • Eat meals without a drink, then enjoy a few sips at the end of the meal.
  • Do not keep fluids near you. Drink only when thirsty, not out of habit or to be sociable.
Download: Fluid Intake Tips and Tricks

Limiting Sodium

Sodium can cause fluid retention. Here are ways to reduce sodium in the diet to avoid fluid weight gain.

Remember: Your total fluid allowance is 32oz per day!


Empowered Dialysis Care

By empowering our patients through education, we provide personalized care to accommodate individual needs. We are a team that believes in devoted care to transform and enrich the lives of our patients.


13241 Bartram Park Blvd.

Suite 305

Jacksonville, FL 32258

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